Monday, September 05, 2011

Kendrick is 11 months old!

Kendrick turned 11 months old on August 18, 2011. Wow, one more month and we will be celebrating his first birthday!

Kendrick likes to be independent--especially when we feed him. We have to do fun little things to get him to open his mouth sometimes--like sing songs. My favorites that always work are "Old MacDonald" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". The Alphabet Song works too. I don't know why, but if you sing, he opens his mouth and eats.

He also eats if he can do it himself. Well, Scott was feeding him spaghetti one night and Kendrick wouldn't have any of it, unless he could feed himself. So this is what you get:

A happy boy, but a big mess!
Mr. Independent

On his forehead. . .

and the top of his head!

But, he is happy and he is eating!

Here are some pics I took on his 11 month birthday--yes he is in his pajamas! It had been a long day and I remembered to take a pic after we had got him ready for bed!

Kendrick Scott Brenchley - 11 months old!

He is full-on walking everywhere now! He walked at 10 1/2 months. He is very tall--he looks like he is two! He still won't say mama. But he does say dada. Oh well, someday he will say it!

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