Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kendrick is 4 months old!

On January 18th, Kendrick turned 4th months old. Wow, he is just growing right up. He smiles at us now and responds a little bit. He is so cute!

He holds his head up really good and will probably roll over soon. He doesn't really like tummy time though!

He is a lot better at night now. Only gets really fussy once in a while. But, he is sleeping through the night and sometimes doesn't wake up until 7:30 or 8 a.m.!
Kendrick Scott Brenchley
I love this picture of him! Scott took them all.
I call this shirt his Maple Mountain shirt because it is maroon, which is one of Maple Mountain's colors. Kendrick got it for Christmas from us. Only problem, I bought a 3 month size--guess I gotta start buying up a size or two. Kendrick is growing so fast!

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