This year, I wasn't too concerned about seeing people I know. In my current state--preggers and all! Plus, Scott had to work, so we decided not to go to the rodeo this year.
So, on Friday, I headed down to watch the "Mammoth Parade" with the family. It was hot to say the least! I had swollen feet and all. I didn't take any pictures---sorry. The parade was pretty good and the kids all had fun getting candy.
After the parade, we went to Granny J's house to rest for a bit and we decided to get some dinner before heading down to the carnival. I was starving--I hadn't eaten any lunch because I was a slacker in getting ready for the day and barely made it to the parade on time! So, I was very hungry.
We decided to order pizza from a fairly new pizza place in Nephi. Annie called them and they said the wait was only 30 minutes, I think. So we ordered and then me, Emilee, and Annie went down to pick it up. Well, we get there and they hadn't even started to make our order, plus they had it all wrong! So, they said to come back in 15-20 minutes. We took a little ride around town, "took a main", and then went back. Guess what--it still wasn't done! Annie took action and let them know we were mad. I didn't even go in, wasn't feeling up to seeing the place. Em had said it was very unorganized! One of the things they told us, was that they had had a business meeting and that put them behind. Who has a business meeting on a Friday night of the busiest time of the year for Nephi!
Oh well, we finally got our order and they gave us an extra order of breadsticks. Luckily the pizza was good--not the best, but good.
After we ate, we loaded up and went to the carnival. It was fun to watch Ryan on the roller coaster. He loved it. The kids had a good time. Emilee's kids were there also. I hung with them for a while, saw some people I know, and then headed back to Provo around 9:30 p.m. or so.
Saturday, my drill team was having their 2nd Car Wash. So, no Ute Stampede on Saturday for me. I was okay with that though. Too hot and Scott had to work Saturday night.
Lucky for me, Scott was able to come and help me with the car wash. He is so good to help me and the girls get everything all set up. Plus he helps keep me company while the girls do all the work!
The car wash went well. We just have one more to go in August. We sold punch passes this year and that has really helped our revenue.
When we got home, Scott got ready to go to work and I noticed that the house was a little hotter than usual. The temperature was about 75 or so. Well, it just kept getting hotter! I got ready for bed and went upstairs. Whoa--even hotter up there! I just layed down, on top of the covers, and Scott walked in. He asked me, "You're going to sleep up here?" I said I had only been there about 20 minutes. So, we decided to go down to the basement and sleep there. We took the mattress out of the bedroom down there and put it out in the living room and slept there. It was a lot cooler!
Sunday, the temperature didn't get any better in the house--it was 80 degrees. So, we just turned the central air off. I called a place to come look at it on Monday. So, needless to say, we slept in the basement again on Sunday night!
Monday, they came and looked at the central air and found out we needed more freon and that we may possibly have a leak. All I cared is that the house was finally cooling down when I got home from drill that morning--even if it did cost us some bucks!
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