Thursday, August 08, 2013

Kendrick's Tubes in Ears Surgery #2

 At Kendrick's ear check up in June, the tubes that had been put in his ears in 2011, when he as 1, had fell out.  But, there was still fluid in his ears and there was a little bit of infection.  So, the doctor made a follow-up appointment in 6 weeks, gave us some ear drops, and we would check then to see if the infection went away and if the fluid was gone.

So, we went back in 6 weeks, and there wasn't any infection, but there was still fluid.  We also checked Kendrick's hearing and the doctor determined that it would be best to have tubes put in Kendrick's ears again.

I guess this is pretty common, to have tubes put in a child's ears two or more times.  He gave us a couple options of when we could schedule it, and it worked best to get it done before school started for me.  So August 8 was the day.

We didn't have to be over there quite as early this time.  I think we met at 8 a.m.  We waited in the waiting area until they called us back.
Kendrick had fun playing with Daddy's phone and looking around.
 Waiting at the table that was just his size.
 When I asked him to look at the camera, this is what he did.
 He was a little bit excited, not sure why?  He didn't know he was there for surgery.
 They called us back and checked his blood pressure.  Kendrick was telling the nurse how old he was and that his birthday was soon.

 He didn't really care for the monitor they put on his finger. 
 Then we changed him into the hospital clothes.  The pants were a little short on him!
 He brought his doggie along to comfort him.
 He didn't want to lay down, so they came in and gave him something to calm him down.
 We layed down and relaxed for a bit until they came and took him away for the surgery.  Not only was he getting tubes in his ears again.  He was also getting his adenoids taken out.
He was gone for about 20 minutes or so.  It seemed like forever!  They had to wait until he came out of the anesthesia and then wait until they brought him to us.  I kept listening for his cry, I figured he would be crying.  I remembered from the last time, that right after the surgery was the worst part.  They don't really know what is going on and where they are, etc.  
 They brought him in and he was crying and disoriented.  He just wanted to lay in the bed.  We gave him his doggie and the blue gorilla he received that day, and he wasn't sure if he wanted them.
 I tried to comfort him, but he just cried for a little bit.
 Poor little guy!
We had to wait there for a while and then they came in and checked everything.  They also gave Kendrick a popsicle.  He started to calm down and we were able to change his clothes and get ready to go. 
We headed for home.  With his last surgery, Kendrick fell asleep on the way home and slept for a while.  This time, he stayed awake.  Scott left and went to work.  I stayed home with Kendrick.  I was thinking he would be tired and want to just rest.  But, no, we layed on the couch for a few minutes and then he was up running around and ready to play.
I guess that was a good thing, especially since I had drill later that afternoon and I had to take Kendrick with me until Scott could come get him.
You would have never known he had been in surgery earlier that day.  He was running around and playing all day like nothing had even happened. 
Hopefully this time the tubes will work better and there will be no issues.  Kendrick's speech is already improving and it seems like he hears things more now.  He notices things that he didn't as much before.  Everything was right back to normal and we went on with what was left of summer.

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