Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Closing Out Another Drill Year

Another school year and drill year was quickly approaching!  This year has went by fast!  There were some times when it seemed slow, but when I really think back, it seems like just yesterday we were having tryouts!

We had our year end drill banquet on May 9 at Magleby's in Springville.  They always do a nice job and so we've had our banquet there the past three years. 

Here's some pics of the team:
A nice pose.
 A crazy, fun pose!
A few days later, we had our "ugly dance day" on May 14.  This is where the girls wear "ugly" dance clothes and we have an "ugly dance class".  This means they can dance as ugly and as incorrect, weird, and do whatever they want!  No rules really and no order/precision whatsoever!  It is a great day and they always look forward to it.
 I mean, look at these costumes?  Ugly Dance Day, need I say more?
It was a fun day, that's for sure!

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